esup-print-channel changes in versions 1.1

Changes in version 1.1.26 (2005/10/18)

Bug fix

  • NullPointerException when retrieving the attributes of users memorized by the channel but removed from uPortal (Pascal Aubry).

Changes in version 1.1.25 (2005/10/12)

Bug fix

  • email alerts were not always sent (Alexandre Boisseau).

Changes in version 1.1.22 (2005/10/04)


  • print the job id and the job title on the printLog page (Pascal Aubry).
  • log rejected jobs when the printer is not available (Pascal Aubry).

Changes in version 1.1.20 (2005/09/22)

Bug fixes

  • XML special characters in LDAP search results were not correctly escaped (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Alexandre Boisseau).
  • empty pages could be shown on the logs page in some rare circumstances (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Pierre-Antoine Angelini).

Changes in version 1.1.19 (2005/09/20)


  • improved the presentation of exception reports (Pascal Aubry).

Changes in version 1.1.17 (2005/09/14)


  • reduced the number of alerts sent to the bugs list and server administrators (Pascal Aubry).
  • now send emails to users for accepted/rejected jobs (Pascal Aubry).
  • added user preferences (Pascal Aubry).
  • added i18n (Pascal Aubry).

Changes in version 1.1.16 (2005/09/12)


  • made the test results more verbose (Pascal Aubry).
  • added icons to the list of rules to clearly distinguish active rules (Pascal Aubry).

Version 1.1.15

1.1.15 is the first release officially distributed. It is based on Tarik and Valere's work, completly rewritten (mostly simplified).

Version 1.1.15 is under production at IFSIC, University of Rennes 1.

Version 0.5.0 (summer 2004)

0.5.0 was developed by Tarik Benabid (esup-cups-backend) and Valere Fedronic (esup-print-channel), both students at University of Rennes 1 on summer 2004.

Lack of time (essentially due to project esup-helpdesk) made that it has never been possible to use this version as-is. It shew however the feasability of the project, and the global architecture and an important number of pieces of code have been re-ingeneered in the actual version.